Point-of-Sale Presence
Deliveroo customised bags
Client: Deliveroo
Deliveroo were having issues with their food delivery bags. It was just a paper bag that could tear, get soiled, or be damaged by damp, or condensation from the food and drink they were transporting. This resulted in a poor delivery experience to consumers. Their customers were less than satisfied to receive their often-high-end restaurant-quality meals in this form.
Additionally, the increase in restaurants joining Deliveroo’s service created a logistical nightmare. Deliveroo staff distributing their delivery bags just couldn’t keep up with the volume going out.
This was no ordinary task. We considered the challenges and presented Deliveroo with a totally different idea, that wasn’t just another paper bag.
We used our creative thinking and presented a waterproof, reusable, recyclable and cost-effective carry bag! It had exceptional durability, 25kg weight capacity. As well as a much higher quality print, which would allow for greater brand exposure. A massive win for the client, who loved the concept.
But we didn’t stop there. We created a Brand Guardian™ store that allowed Deliveroo restaurants to log on and order cartons of the bags to be delivered directly to their door. Thus eliminating all the time and effort that Deliveroo staff had previously spent.
Over 1.5 million bags were produced. Delivered to over 2,000 restaurants and food outlets in every corner of the country.